
Collects metrics from a mesos instance. By default, the collector is set up to query the mesos-master via port 5050. Set the port to 5051 for mesos-slaves.

Example Configuration

    host = localhost
    port = 5050


Setting Default Description Type
byte_unit byte Default numeric output(s) str
enabled False Enable collecting these metrics bool
host localhost Hostname str
measure_collector_time False Collect the collector run time in ms bool
metrics_blacklist None Regex to match metrics to block. Mutually exclusive with metrics_whitelist NoneType
metrics_whitelist None Regex to match metrics to transmit. Mutually exclusive with metrics_blacklist NoneType
port 5050 Port (default is 5050; please set to 5051 for mesos-slave) int

Example Output

servers.hostname.mesos.master.cpus_percent 0.762166666667
servers.hostname.mesos.master.cpus_total 120
servers.hostname.mesos.master.cpus_used 91.46
servers.hostname.mesos.master.disk_percent 0.0317975447795
servers.hostname.mesos.master.disk_total 12541440
servers.hostname.mesos.master.disk_used 398787