Shells out to get ossec statistics, which may or may not require sudo access.
Metrics: - agents.active - agents.never_connected - agents.disconnected - agents.active_local
- /var/ossec/bin/agent_control
Setting | Default | Description | Type |
bin | /var/ossec/bin/agent_control | Path to agent_control binary | str |
byte_unit | byte | Default numeric output(s) | str |
enabled | False | Enable collecting these metrics | bool |
measure_collector_time | False | Collect the collector run time in ms | bool |
metrics_blacklist | None | Regex to match metrics to block. Mutually exclusive with metrics_whitelist | NoneType |
metrics_whitelist | None | Regex to match metrics to transmit. Mutually exclusive with metrics_blacklist | NoneType |
sudo_cmd | /usr/bin/sudo | Path to sudo | str |
use_sudo | True | Use sudo? | bool |
Example Output