Collect metrics from postgresql
- psycopg2
Setting | Default | Description | Type |
byte_unit | byte | Default numeric output(s) | str |
dbname | postgres | DB to connect to in order to get list of DBs in PgSQL | str |
enabled | False | Enable collecting these metrics | bool |
extended | False | Enable collection of extended database stats. | bool |
has_admin | True | Admin privileges are required to execute some queries. | bool |
host | localhost | Hostname | str |
measure_collector_time | False | Collect the collector run time in ms | bool |
metrics | , | List of enabled metrics to collect | list |
metrics_blacklist | None | Regex to match metrics to block. Mutually exclusive with metrics_whitelist | NoneType |
metrics_whitelist | None | Regex to match metrics to transmit. Mutually exclusive with metrics_blacklist | NoneType |
password | postgres | Password | str |
password_provider | password | Whether to auth with supplied password or .pgpass file <password | pgpass> |
pg_version | 9.2 | The version of postgres that you'll be monitoring eg. in format 9.2 | float |
port | 5432 | Port number | int |
sslmode | disable | Whether to use SSL - <disable | allow |
underscore | False | Convert _ to . | bool |
user | postgres | Username | str |
Example Output