Send metrics to a influxdb using the http interface.
v1.0 : creation v1.1 : force influxdb driver with SSL v1.2 : added a timer to delay influxdb writing in case of failure this whill avoid the 100% cpu loop when influx in not responding Sebastien Prune THOMAS -
hostname = localhost
port = 8086 #8084 for HTTPS
batch_size = 100 # default to 1
cache_size = 1000 # default to 20000
username = root
password = root
database = graphite
time_precision = s
Setting | Default | Description | Type |
batch_size | 1 | How many metrics to store before sending to the influxdb server | int |
cache_size | 20000 | How many values to store in cache in case of influxdb failure | int |
database | graphite | Database name | str |
get_default_config_help | get_default_config_help | ||
hostname | localhost | Hostname | str |
password | root | Password for connection | str |
port | 8086 | Port | int |
server_error_interval | 120 | How frequently to send repeated server errors | int |
ssl | False | set to True to use HTTPS instead of http | bool |
time_precision | s | time precision in second(s), milisecond(ms) or microsecond (u) | str |
username | root | Username for connection | str |