Send metrics to a graphite using the default interface. Unlike GraphiteHandler, this one supports multiple graphite servers. Specify them as a list of hosts divided by comma.
Setting | Default | Description | Type |
batch | 1 | How many to store before sending to the graphite server | int |
get_default_config_help | get_default_config_help | ||
host | localhost, | Hostname, Hostname, Hostname | list |
max_backlog_multiplier | 5 | how many batches to store before trimming | int |
port | 2003 | Port | int |
proto | tcp | udp or tcp | str |
server_error_interval | 120 | How frequently to send repeated server errors | int |
timeout | 15 | int | |
trim_backlog_multiplier | 4 | Trim down how many batches | int |